Killer robots, drone swarms, weapons of mass destruction, and apocalyptic terrorism
Securing the Globe
Who I am
I am a War Doctor in Training: a PhD Student in War Studies at King's College London. I'm also affiliated with the Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS), the Schar School of Policy and Government, the National Institute for Deterrence Studies, and the National Consortium for the Study of Terrorism and Responses to Terrorism (START). My extensive research, writing, and analysis on drone warfare, autonomous weapons, weapons of mass destruction, and terrorism has occasionally received global news coverage, and influenced a broad range of state, federal, and global security policies and strategies. I also appeared in Netflix's "UNKNOWN: Killer Robots," am an officially proclaimed U.S. Army "Mad Scientist," and am on the board of advisors of the Michael J. Morell Center for Intelligence and Security studies at the University of Akron, and Synthetic Decision Group, Inc. I also have about eight years of experience in homeland security and defense contracting, providing analytical, research, and writing support across the U.S. interagency and for some foreign partners.
But my greatest pride is playing a small role in the early days of COVID-19 response, helping evacuate refugees from Afghanistan, and establishing cybersecurity performance goals for American critical infrastructure. National security is about keeping people safe, nothing else.